Tag Archives: Accenture

What’s happened in AI: February 18th-24th

By | February 25, 2019

Lots of news out of China this week. Biggest story was Victor Gevers, a security researcher for the GDI Foundation, finding a database belonging to SenseNets. The Shenzen based company provides facial recognition and other monitoring systems to the Chinese police. Everyone knows that China is utilizing AI to enhance the government’s surveillance capabilities, but this was the first insight we’ve gained into the scope of the government’s operations in the Xianjiang province. It’s looking quite Orwellian there. It’s also notable that SenseTime divested their stake in SenseNets right after finding out about the security breach.

What’s happened in AI: November 5th-11th

By | November 12, 2018

The creep factor from China was pretty high this week. To start, ~30 of the brightest young minds in China have been recruited to develop AI weapons for the government. These kids aren’t even in college yet, and are already doing this kind of work. Meanwhile surveillance in the country has reached a new level as the government is now able to identify people based on the way they walk. Looks like hiding your face won’t work anymore. Finally, China revealed an AI news anchor for its state run media. It’s pretty weird and I don’t really know how to interpret this. Other than the awkward lip movements the AI is pretty solid. I see potential for this to become a common fixture for pushing propaganda 24/7 (since AI doesn’t need a break like us obviously), but hopefully I’m proven wrong.

What’s happened in AI: August 13th-18th

By | August 19, 2018

Quite a few interesting trends this week in AI. On the fundraising side, we saw three different AI startups focused on infrastructure raise capital. I can see this trend continuing as there is no shortage of energy, transportation, and other infrastructure-related assets that could benefit from improvements in maintenance efficiencies through the use of AI.… Read More »