Tag Archives: Kai-Fu Lee

AI Superpowers: China, Silicon Valley, and the New World Order

By | October 24, 2018

I spent some time over the past week to read what’s now one of my favorite books. Written by Kai-Fu Lee, who was the former head of Google China and is currently CEO of Sinovation Ventures, AI Superpowers: China, Silicon Valley, and the New World Order offers a glimpse into the various scenarios that could unfold as AI technology develops. Lee’s unique perspective from being a top AI executive in both the U.S. and China allows him to straddle two worlds that will ultimately decide the fate of how our world adapts to the AI revolution. His key message is a powerful one, essentially summarized by his ending words:

“AI’s greatest potential to disrupt and destroy lies not in international military contests but in what it will do to our labor markets and social systems. Appreciating the momentous social and economic turbulence that is on our horizon should humble us. It should also turn our competitive instincts into a search for cooperative solutions to the common challenges we all face as human beings”